Want to go Freshwater Fly Fishing?
When it comes to freshwater fly fishing, as fishermen and women alike, you are so blessed if living in states like Florida, Texas, and Pennsylvania, all known for outstanding fly fishing. The overwhelming amount of fly fishing opportunities change depending on the wherein the United States you live and what freshwater species as fly anglers you prefer.
Unlimited species available as a saltwater fly fishing enthusiast throughout Florida, huge popularity to fly fish striped bass in Texas, or fly fishers searching for brook trout or lake trout in Pennsylvania are plentiful and much more when fly fishing freshwater lakes, canals, rivers, and streams.
Where to Start Fly Fishing?
All these locations and fish species would keep fly fishermen busy for a lifetime, and we would never have to fish in the same spot twice. With the overwhelming amount of saltwater fish and freshwater fishing in places like Florida, we will try to break the state down by freshwater fishing species. Starting by type of fishery, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, or a local slu, whatever you water column as fly anglers, you only need a rod, reel, fly line, tippet, flies, and knowledge.
When Targeting New Water
If visiting new water, while in the South Florida area near Ft Lauderdale, Miami, and surrounded by the Everglades, alongside Naples and Palm Beach, fly fishing is very active, fish are abundant, and fishing pressure is not near capacity.
Freshwater Fly fishing in Florida is an excellent opportunity to experience Florida’s lakes, rivers, and natural resources. We love taking fishermen as they enjoy the pure act of fishing and find personal satisfaction in the art of the sport and challenging themselves on new fisheries.
Fly Fish: Striped Bass and many other Species
After choosing the fisheries, we need to consider the species. These could vary based on saltwater fish vs. freshwater fishing. Let’s focus on freshwater; very popular among fly anglers is the brook trout. The ever-popular rainbow trout, growing in popularity, is the striped bass, being caught why saltwater fly fishing and freshwater fishing.
The always widespread and original fly species is the bluegill, but the list goes on, like dolly Varden, sea trout, grass carp, shad, northern pike, and salmon. Fish is a fish; some anglers like to fish for one species, and other fly anglers like a variety.
Florida, known for saltwater fishing, has many freshwater fish like peacock bass and other species. You could want loads of smaller lakes and rivers and all the exciting freshwater available for a lifetime. There are thousands of bodies of water, canals, lakes, and retention ponds everywhere, and most are great places to get out to fish.
So grab your surface flies and other local anglers in fly fishing equipment, and let’s get started today.
Fly fishing for largemouth bass in Florida
When bass fishing for bass, an added benefit, other fish species like bluegills and crappie inevitably caught while targeting bass. The largemouth bass and smallmouth bass is the top freshwater game fish in the United States.
Florida and Texas are well known for their excellent largemouth bass. Anglers choose when catching bass in several different ways, spin fishing and fly fishing are two of the most popular. You can elect to either use heavier equipment hoping for bigger fish or lighter equipment targeting smaller fish. The techniques and flies you use are the same for both, although the flies’ size may be bigger or smaller based on the equipment and fish targeted.
What is the best Fly Rod size for big bass?
We use standard fly fishing techniques and catch many of the species that live in fresh-water on fly rods. Depending on where we anglers go in the United States and what they are trying to catch, generally, like a fly rod in the six to eight weight power is enough rod. If we are going saltwater fishing for Tarpon or Snook, we usually recommend a nine to twelve weight rod based on the destinations and size of fish.
We recommend the floating tippet and fly line an area looking for surface strikes, other destinations sinking line, and maybe dropper rig with flies. But again, if you prefer tying your flies and would like to bring them down to try out on some fisheries, you are welcome to do so.
Freshwater Fly Fishing in Rivers
Generally, ponds, creeks, and lakes get the most conversation about freshwater fly fishing, but rivers offer the most variety. Rivers are just the more suitable choice for fly fishing, the locations, the current, and the fish. The fish are generally a lot less pressured, and in many cases, the river’s surroundings protect them and you from the weather.
When on a river, it’s generally more comfortable to locate the majority of the fish, as they concentrate in bends, holes, and curves.
Some rivers are tidal or rise and lower because of rainfall. Low water always makes the fish more concentrated and easier to catch. Try to locate bend edges, drops, or deeper holes or structures in the curves caused by the current. Rivers, in general, are reliable spots to fish. Like most fly fishing, the same flies and techniques used on your local lake will produce on the rivers.
Fly Fishing Freshwater Equipment
Bass, at times, like a larger meal, and for that reason, larger flies work. Poppers by far the most popular and seems to get the attention of the bass. There is a downside to using larger plugs, and the bulky size makes them harder to cast and more acceptable to wind knots.
If you decide to target the larger bass, an 8wt rod outfit with a floating line is a great place to start. Why poppers work great on the surface, streamers such as closures are best fished just under the surface.
Fishing Vegetation with Fly
Weed guards are each angler’s choice, the surrounding cover and the angler’s experience should dictate your use of weed guards to keep from snagging on the vegetation.
Speaking of submerged grass, look for these locations, which typically lead to hot spots. Bass are not always in the grass or weedy areas; fan cast all around until you find what depth they are holding and repeat those spots all around the water body.
I cannot think of a more fun time for fly fisherman than when the bass is schooling on the surface; the action and strikes are everything you want when fly fishing. In most all fresh water, you can find 1 to 3-pound bass in abundance.
Behaviors of Freshwater Fish
The behavior of the largemouth bass is also influenced considerably by the maximum temperature of the water. On hot summer days, they usually feed during the early morning hours and then again during the last few hours of daylight, when the sun isn’t as bright and the water temperature is more relaxed. Bass are generally in areas of the water that have a lot of vegetation and cover. They spend a lot of time near the water’s edge among the grasses, reeds, and other plants.
Some fly fishermen prefer to use streamers and bucktails. When freshwater fly fishing for bass, the fly is works differently than it is for trout. Poppers are worked not only for their appearance but also for their sound.
Slow and Steady on Top
Generally, when a fly is cast, for bass, it should be allowed to remain unmoving for a more extended period than for trout. It’s estimated that 60% of bass strikes hit still flies. Bass tend to inspect your fly for some time before deciding whether to take it or not. While freshwater fly fishing, it is essential to remember that the warmer the water, the longer it will take the bass to take a fly.
At times we like our fly angler to tease the bass with repeated casts over the areas where we know they live. Teasing can sometimes be a very effective method of bringing a lazy fish up for a strike when nothing else seems working.
Fly Fishing for peacock bass?
When fly fishing for trophy Peacock bass in Florida’s freshwater lakes and canals. If you bring your fly rods, which we recommend, a 5 or 6 weight for peacock bass is best, depending on precisely what we are after. If you like to tie your flies like most fly anger, then bring them to try out. A floating line is usually preferred.
Give us a call and let us know what you are after, and we will recommend what type of flies to bring. There is no room for below average gear; good reels, good quality lines, and fast action rods are necessary. Hooks need to be sharp to penetrate quickly and without Polaroid glasses spotting these colorful fish as the attack is almost impossible. The fish typically eat other fish and not to much on bugs. If you get the chance to go freshwater fly fishing for peacock bass, don’t miss the opportunity!
Fly Fishing for peacock bass?
When fly fishing for trophy Peacock bass in Florida’s freshwater lakes and canals, if you bring your fly rods, which we recommend, a five or 6-weight for peacock bass is best, depending on precisely what we are after. If you like to tie your flies like most fly anger, bring them to try. A floating line is usually preferred.
Call us and let us know what you are after, and we will recommend what type of flies to bring. There is no room for below-average gear; good reels, good-quality lines, and fast action rods are necessary. Hooks need to be sharp to penetrate quickly, and without Polaroid glasses spotting these colorful fish as an attack is almost impossible. The fish typically eat other fish and not to much on bugs.
If you can go freshwater fly fishing for peacock bass, don’t miss the opportunity!
Florida Fly Fishing Charters
When you reserve a fly fishing trip, most charters “do not” provide the rod and reels unless specially requested. In almost all cases, avid fly fishermen prefer to catch fish on their equipment. We can provide superior G-Loomis, Sage, and other fly equipment for you, request only. However, with most of our fly fishing clients, they would instead use their flies and their rods when possible.
Below we have listed information on the different locations in the other areas and what you can expect to catch fly fishing in them. Freshwater fly fishing in Orlando, Kissimmee, and the Central Florida area can be fascinating. The largemouth is eager to please even the most novice fly fisherman because this is not a customary presentation.
Most local bass anglers use conventional equipment, and the fish do not get to see flies or fly fishing presentations often enough to make them wary of it. Whether it’s largemouth, bluegill, and crappie, there is no limit to the number of species you can catch with a fly rod. While bluegill will not put up to much of a fight on an eight weight rod, you have to be ready for the large trophy bass to take a sample of your offering, and it helps to have something you can lean on to turn the fish out of the grass.
Prime Freshwater Fly Fishing Location in Florida
While much further south, when the weather cools, it means hot action in the Everglades and Lake Okeechobee. Fly fishing in both places can produce well all year, especially when the temps come down. The Glades offers an unlimited array of targets in one of the most beautiful areas in Florida.
Specialty trips are available in the Everglades, less than an hour from Miami and only an hour or less from Naples. Fly fishing for largemouth, Oscars, Warmouth, Mayan cichlid, bluegill, and others in the Everglades’ backcountry or the beautiful surroundings of world-famous Lake Okeechobee is a great fly fishing trip in itself.
Below we have listed information on the different types of species.
When fly fishing for specific species like the Florida bass, can provide some of the country’s most exciting fishing. The largemouth is the most popular game fish in America. The popularity of fishing for bass is partly because no other freshwater fish has a broader distribution, especially in Florida.
Top Fly Fishing Locations
Additional Targeted Fish Species