Pond Fishing for bass
Florida pond fishing has to be one of the more relaxing and, simultaneously, one of the most exciting ways to catch bass in Florida. Once successful at pond fishing, it promotes you to all other levels of fishing. You could even say Pond fishing is the ground ruts of fishing.
You have to approach pond fishing differently than with buddies who fish from boats. Let’s look at a few key points.
When approaching the shoreline, you should make an effort to be quiet. A quiet approach will help prevent fish close to your location from spooking off. You need to minimize your shadow cast on the water, so take notice of the sun’s direction. A sun on your back will allow you to see in the water better while casting a shadow on the water. Your shadow spooks fish as the bass will think you are a predator, such as a feeding bird or other shoreline feeder.
Cast parallel to the shoreline for several cast; this will provoke more strikes. Many bass in ponds relate directly to shoreline cover and structure since many of these ponds lack structure in the open water. Cast beyond any points, you may see along the shoreline and work the fishing lures past the point end. This results in more strikes and increases your percentage of casts versus strikes.
More on Pond Fishing for Bass Techniques
Use more subtle lures such as plastic worms, soft jerkbaits, and Rapalas. The pond bass is more easily spooked in some cases than lake bass, and noisy baits sometimes do not work as well as settle baits. You can catch catfish, bluegill, crappie, and largemouth bass.
Cast to any visible structure mutable times; in most cases, the structure is very limited in ponds. Bass will relate to any structure they can find. Work the open water with some slow lure so you can find the pond’s depth and if there is any structure. A 6″ rubber worm works well if you feel a structure is not visible on your retrieve. Work this area thoroughly before moving on to other parts of the lake. If you get bit on a structure, once you feel no other bites are available, leave for a few minutes and come back. In most cases, the fish will regroup.
Follow these techniques for pond fishing, and you’ll enjoy more catching with less fishing!
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