Outdoor Photos
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Fishing Photos Pics & Tips
Getting to knowing some basic photography tips can make your fishing trip a lot more memorable. Nothing provides a reminder of your fishing trip like a picture and it provides something to share with friends and family who may or may not enjoy them. Pictures are the proof and reward for all the hard work that goes into preparing and spending the money. While fishing can be a hassle, the equipment, the boat. But it’s all worth it when you gt that photo of being outdoors.
So we realize how important the moment of taking amazing photos is, but taking a good photo is actually pretty simple. like all things, a few simple tricks and your friends will think you do photography for a living.
There primarily 6 easy steps to getting great outdoor photos.
1. Keeping the Sun to Your Back
If the sun is positioned correctly, you will end up with a silhouette or shadow in the picture of you holding a fish. take a moment, look at the direction of the sun, avoid pointing the camera towards the direct sunlight. With the sun, you don’t get a do-over. While this could have been the outdoor photo that made it to a picture on your wall, the sunlight angle eliminated any chance of that ever happening. The sun not only ruins the shadow but also completely washes out the color in the beautiful photo.
It doesn’t take a lot of light to capture great color. Low light is always better than too much or what they refer to as overexposure. With the correct light, the hues of a fish show clearly, the color of the sea are incredible blues. If you can’t change your angler, wait for a cloud to block the sun’s direct light and then snap your shot. Depending on if it’s a fishing photo and if you’re keeping the fish, you will have more time to adjust for all things mentioned sunlight.
2. How you Hold the Fish is Key to a Good Photo
Time is to the essence, a good release of your catch is just as important. Please make sure to hold the fish firmly, not to drop or let them slip out of your hands. Be careful, not to harm its gills or fins while trying to hold them. What this means is that you want to avoid hanging the fish by its lips, or squeezing it too much in the middle part of its body.
Hold the fish out, away from your body to get separation in the photo. Most fish move horizontally, and you take the photo that way. You can effectively lift the head or slower the tail to get a great result as well. The goal is to get nice outdoor photos, but we need to keep the conservation of the fish in mind at all times. And return it to the water as quickly as possible.
3. Do your outdoor photos, Tell a Story?
Timing, timing, and timing. It’s easily forgotten during a fishing trip, then all of a bite, and before you know it you’re holding the fish. This is the key moment of the trip, trust me, once you release that fish and then look at your photos, you’ll regret not taking in the whole experience through the lens. While this could have been a picture of a lifetime, it’s turn out to be a dud. Catching a 10lb bass is life-changing and a lot of fun, but a bad photo doesn’t do your catch justice. Show use the smile, the cheer, the background to enhance the experience in the photo.
Try to savor the memories from your fishing trip. A photo with background, says so many little things, like what was the weather like? Remembrance of the boat? Was it an open ocean or backed by stunning scenery? Friends, family, and co-workers, who attended with you? What was everyone wearing?
As you would with the sun in the background in step 1, set the scenery to match the photo. Does the photo capture the moment perfectly, will it make you remember how beautiful the area was while out on your fishing trip. This is a personal choice, look for things that are important to you and more important those that aren’t. Pause, for a moment, and look through the camera to see the end result. Design what you want to end up on the photo. It is simple if thought about in advance. The end result will bring a real difference.
4. What’s the purpose of Your Photos?
Is the photo just a picture for memories, is it for your Facebook or Instagram account? Maybe a mantelpiece for a family member, either way, we talked about the sun position, the background not the details. Look for a random bottle of sunscreen or an empty water bottle on the deck. These sort of things can ruin a precious photo, think of those things before you strike a pose. Whoever is taking the photo, should pay attention to the whole surroundings. Photos look really good with colors of contrast. The Red Snapper is a beauty, your clothes can bring out the colors or dilute them by the contrast in color. White fishing shirts are typically not good for any type of outdoor photos and are even worst when out on the water.
To contrast, the image, add more water and background. We also haven’t discussed angle, let’s do. Stepping back one step can enhance the images, also adds a layer of editing if desired. You can always trim down the image but never add more background later. Even better, focus on steps 1, 2, 3 to get the photo, and avoid capturing your finger, a part of the boat and you will be fine.
5. Rule of Thirds never Fails
The most common rule is of thirds, a standard practice to follow when taking outdoor photos. What does it mean? Basically, split your image into thirds both vertically and horizontally. If you’re counting, it would end up with nine parts or squares. The intention is to place objects of your photo in each square. The fish, your fishing gear, you and your friends, even the landscape. Imagine lines in your picture, at the intersection points of these lines, is where the human eye will focus.
The human eye tends to identify with one of these squares, rather than the entire photo. Even that we try to stare straight into the center of the picture, our eye will focus elsewhere. However, sometimes, you will find that one intriguing and effective photo that makes you focus right to the center. If you are trying to prioritize the squares, the most crucial aspects would be yourself the person holding the fish, and the fish itself.
6. Weather can play a Big Part on your Camera
Keeping your phone out of the sun, keeping it clean and dry while fishing can be challenging. While on the water you face so many elements, water, liquids, or drinks. Moisture doesn’t have to be from liquids, in any part of the world humidity is really bad. Use a defogger cleaner on your camera lens, helps with fogginess. Sunscreen is a killer, it gets on the camera lens and for the rest of the day your photos are ruined. The photo did not capture the experience, although fishing was fantastic. All these tips actually are not meant to take more time, but to help prevent disappoint with little effort.
While mistakes are unpreventable, it’s sometimes going to happen no matter how hard to try. Don’t fight it, be proactive and alert to these things. If your iPhone gets fogged up, borrow your friends it’s safer then taking a chance on a bad photo. In today’s cloud world, its way to easy to transfer pictures after the trip. You might not have that luxury of these options when on a boat. In that case, either pack an extra camera or quality cleaning supplies to wipe down your phone, remove any dirt or liquids from the lens. Tissues and lens cleaning supplies are an inexpensive way to prevent and rescue your camera lens.
On your next outdoor adventure you go on, try these outdoor photography tips and you will produce nicer, cleaner, and more popular photos online!