
Quality Equipment Needed Florida Fishing Windy Conditions

Florida Fishing Windy Conditions

Hi this is Capt John Leech with my Lake Toho fishing report.

Equipment when it comes to fishing is the most important thing you can consider. Having quality and reliable fishing gear can help land and catch the fish you are looking for.

Our supporter, Abu Garcia makes the rods and reels that can supply you with the durability to battle out those big fish.

Today, I had the pleasure to fish with Bob Lewis. Traveling to Florida for largemouth bass, the day was going to be exciting.

Florida Fishing Windy Conditions today made the equipment we you use so much more important. Make sure you have a longer more durable rod dealing with the wind. Using a reel that has a higher gear ratio will give you a great chance of retrieving slack line due to wind.

Catching right around 20 largemouths, the trip was a success. Lake Toho has been producing quality as well, catching fish within the 3 to 5-pound range.

We had a great time out on the water and I look forward to their return.

If you enjoyed this post with Captain John Leech about Florida Fishing Windy Conditions, you might also enjoy this fishing report from the same area.

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Captain John Leech is a full-time guide for over 20 year in Central Florida. He specializing in Central Florida bass fishing and is one of the best at targeting big trophy size large-mouth bass in the Orlando area. His first guide trip was in Leesburg, Florida on the Harris Chain of Lakes. By 1983 I was fortunate to be able to do the one thing I loved the most FISH and make a living doing it. That is what I call a dream job Central Florida Bass Fishing Guide no doubt that fishing in Orlando is one of the best in the world.


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