
Bass Fishing on the North End of the Lake with Capt Brian

Bass Fishing on the North End of the Lake with Capt Brian

This is Capt Brian Brown with your lake Okeechobee fishing report.

I was on the north end of the lake the past couple of days, fishing with Rick a repeat customer, we’ve had a couple of early morning bites, we had two major cold fronts coming through on Sunday, and it really dropped the water temperature down, and it seems like after the sun has been out a while the bite gets better.

We had 4 hours each morning, and we took shiners, we kept moving around and caught a fish or two here and there, and we just kept our heads down and didn’t end up with too bad of a couple of days.

It definitely could have been worse with the conditions we faced, the weather is turning around, it’s warming up we have some sun and the winds are picking up by the time we get off the water.

We could have used a little bit warmer water temperatures, we’re just about on the verge of a busy season, so we’re going to be going at it pretty hard coming up, but everything is picking up and looks great.

If you guys are looking to come down get your dates in because they are filling up fast, until next time this is Capt Brian Brown, tight lines.

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Capt Brian Brown is a seasonal full-time bass fishing guide, he is also your go to Crappie fishing guide on Lake Okeechobee. With over 20yrs of experience, Brian can help you understand the movements of fish, understand how to read your electronics. As well as helping you choose the proper tackle to use for your next fishing trip. So if you are ready for a fun day on the water with great fishing tips thrown in, Capt Brian could be the guy for you.


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