Stick Marsh Bass Fishing Guide Capt Jason Young
Hello this is your Stick Marsh Bass Fishing Guide Capt Jason Young with a fishing report we’ve been fishing out on stick marsh lately with shiners and the big bite trick stick and fishing has been a very good big bass are feeding up and eager to eat anything in sight right before they choose a bed to set up on and we are catching great numbers and good quality size the water levels are a little high but the fish are so aggressive right now that it’s not affecting the bite at all so if you haven’t been out to stick marsh lately now is a great time to give me a call and let’s go fishing until next time this is Captain Jason Young wishing you tight lines.
Capt Jason Young was raised in rural West Michigan, grew up fishing small inland lakes, farm ponds, and the northern giant Lake Michigan. Also was a paid-on-call firefighter for 7 years, so is anyone concern with the boat catching on fire…Jason is your guy! Capt Jason is a top Lake Okeechobee bass fishing guide and is well versed in all types, and styles of fishing. Capt Jason guides on Lake Okeechobee full-time as well in the famed Stick Marsh, Lake Blue Cypress, and Lake Kissimmee.