
Gift Certificate Butler Fishing on the Butler Chain of Lakes in Florida

Gift Certificate Butler Fishing

Many travelers come to Central Florida in search of relaxation. They traverse through the theme parks with their family and make memories they will never forget. Even though you are in the outdoors when you are doing this, you aren’t truly getting the experience you can. Florida Bass Fishing, especially in Central Florida, is one of the best ways to experience all that Central Florida has to offer. Hop on board for a Gift Certificate Butler Fishing for largemouth bass.

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The Butler Chain of Lakes is an incredible fishing destination. Whether it is the large multi-million dollar homes or the clear water, it is a unique place to experience. The bass runs wild and in big numbers. You can have a blast catching fish all trip long. The most important part though is a local expert to show you all the spots. Captain Steve Niemoeller is your local expert and professional during this bass fishing update!

Captain Steve had the pleasure of fishing with Scott and his buddy Pete. They live in Central Florida and always enjoy a day on the water every year. Scott’s wife bought them a fishing gift certificate and they utilized it on the Butler Chain of Lakes.

The fishing has been productive on the Butler Chain. Captain Steve helped Scott and Pete land over 30 largemouth bass in their quick 4-hour fishing trip. The action was hot and heavy for live bait. If you are looking to catch big numbers, live bait is the way to go. You can also catch bass on artificial baits but live is the most productive.

Scott and Pete had a great time fishing with Captain Steve on Butler. Captain Steve is looking forward to their next adventure in Orlando, FL!

What a Great Time

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It was not long after this fishing trip that Captain Steve was back out on the water. He had the pleasure of fishing with Bernhard traveling all the way from Austria with his friend Peter. They wanted to get in some Florida bass fishing and we made it happen for them.

Bernhard is an avid fisherman and wanted to throw artificial baits. Peter had never fished before but with guidance from Captain Steve, he was casting and catching well on soft plastics. They caught a number of fish and had a blast with everyone.

Summer months bring about unpredicting weather. Bernhard and Peter got ran off the lake from rain and lightning. They still had a great time catching fish and making it happen. Captain Steve is looking forward to getting them back out on the water on their next visit to Central Florida.

Bass Fishing is a great way to experience the outdoors. Every adventure will bring you exceptional memories. Our local experts work hard to make sure you are catching bass from the first to the last cast. Summer months call for Butler Chain fishing in Central Florida near Orlando, FL. Bring your friends and family out for an adventure of a lifetime with our local experts. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Come Visit Central Florida and Catch Yours Today…

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Frenzy Fanatic

Frenzy Fanatic

Joseph LoBianco

Joe LoBianco currently living in South Florida, born and raised in New York. He is now working as a Marketing Assistant for bassonline.com. Fishing is his passion and he won't stop building businesses and fishing for the rest of his life.


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