Fishing Reports by Species
Your Favorite Freshwater Species Reports
Largemouth Bass Fishing Reports
The largemouth bass is the best known and most popular game fish in North America. It is distinguished from another black bass because the upper jaw extends beyond the rear edge of the eye, and the first and second dorsal (back) fins are separated by an obvious deep dip.
Peacock Bass Fishing Reports
Color is very vivid – generally golden with three black vertical bars that fade with age. A black spot with a yellow halo on the tail fin is distinctive. Butterfly peacock bass was stocked after research showed temperature would limit their range. Biologists sought to control exotic fishes and to provide a high-quality sport fishery. Many miles of canals in Miami-Dade and Broward counties now have self-sustaining peacock fisheries worth millions of dollars locally.
Clown Knife Fish Fishing Reports
Clown Knifefish very distinct, flat, silvery fish with a long anal fin that gives the knife fish its common name; tiny dorsal fin and 5-10 black spots ringed with white distinguish it from all other fish in Florida; juveniles possess dark vertical bands instead of spots; long anal fin equally allows for forward and backward movements.
Snakehead Fishing Reports
Air-breathing, torpedo-shaped fish with a flattened head and toothed jaws; long anal and dorsal fins without spines; typically red eyes; body-color darkens with age to deep brown with black blotches sometimes fringed with bright comma-shaped markings and a red-orange eyespot (ocellus) near the base of the tail. It resembles a bowfin in behavior and appearance but is distinguished by a long anal fin.
Crappie Fishing Reports
A deep body with nearly symmetrical dorsal and anal fins and a speckled pattern on the body and fins identify the black crappie. Unlike most other panfish, crappie spend much of their time offshore feeding on small fish in lakes or in large slow-moving clear water rivers. They nest in colonies from February to April. Nests are fanned by males over gravel or muddy bottoms in depths of 3-8 feet, with big fish deeper. Primary food items are crustaceans, aquatic insects and small fishes.
Smallmouth Bass Fishing Reports
The smallmouth bass is the best-known and most popular northern game fish in North America. It is distinguished from other basses because the color and redeyes beyond the rear edge of the eye, and the first and second dorsal (back) fins are separated by an obvious deep dip.
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