Bucket List Catch A Peacock Bass
Hello this is Capt Robert Miley, I’m just finishing a trip at the blue lagoon.
I fished with Melissa and TJ, they are down here for a computer convention and they wanted to catch some Peacocks.
it was on their bucket list and they got to scratch that off, the temp is 86 and it was 92
We had to dodge some thunderstorms and fished the big lake while we waited it out.
There was a lot of action on the water as we were coming off so a little bit of it was a late bite.
We caught them though and had fun doing it, I just want to say thanks for choosing BassOnline.
Capt Bob Miley started bass fishing in the Florida Everglades.
On the very first trip out he caught a 10lb 0/8 o/z largemouth bass and has been fishing for bass ever since. Robert Miley has been fishing professionally on the B.A.S.S. Eastern Division, for the past 7 years. He also is the Bass Pro Shops Pro Staff representative for South Florida. Versatile in that he fishes for Peacock bass as well as trophy largemouth on Lake Okeechobee.