
Media Partners

We welcome you to become a link partner of ours in the correct and valuable way. You found us because the website is a very popular and well-ranked website. In order to bring value to both of us, we use only Google’s ethical methods of linking. Times have changed, and exchanging links for no apparent reason doesn’t work well any longer. We are interested in good content, with related topics to what we do.

And if we have content related to your blog or website that is of value to your readers we should exchange links. But in today’s world, we cannot exchange links from site to site, so you must present a website that is of equal value to ours and be able to provide our link to it. In exchange, we will post your blog with a valuable link to your site.

To speed up that process we have created a form below. 1) Please add the 3rd party link to your content that our website will be linked to. 2) Add the link to your website that the post will be linked to.3) Add the URL of the page on our website that you want to link? Lastly, include in the comment the topic of the blog and any other comments you wish. All requests are handled by our media team, which will reach out to you on the next steps.

For all of the above reasons we ask that you read our partner page before sending an email request, be sure your website fits our guidelines. Also, if logos or banners are needed you can find those on our linked media page.

If your website is an affiliate link farm, don’t send it. If your site is an Amazon affiliate link farm, don’t send it. If your site is a Domain Score of 15 or below, don’t send it.

We look forward to working with everyone, much success to you all!

14 + 6 =