Today we had the pleasure of taking out Mel Taylor from Weston, FL which is with the Channel 10 news team. He contacted our service at to setup up a fishing trip, he was especially interested to see if we could teach him how to use artificial lures. He seems to fish often, but with live bait.
We only had a short 4 hour day, so I had to work fast to bring Mel up to speed. We touch on several techniques but caught most of our fish on a shaky head rig with an awesome new bait from Bass Assassin Bait company. Because of our policy, NO FISH-NO PAY, Mel knew we had a few fish with his name on it, which left him fishing worry-free. By the end of the trip Mel caught at least 5 fish on artificial baits and he learned a great deal.
Mel is hooked and is looking at his schedule to come back this month!
If you are visiting South or Central Florida for work or vacation and want to experience the best bass fishing that there is to offer then please give us a call. We can be reached at (888) 629-BASS or email me…
Capt Brett