Miami Blue Lagoon Peacock Bass Fishing Excursion with Capt Tony
Hey everybody This is Capt Tony Masiello with BassOnline.
Here is your, Miami Blue Lagoon Peacock Bass Fishing Excursion with Capt Tony, report. What a great day to go down south to Miami’s Blue Lagoon. One beautiful fishery, I love fishing there. The fishing was ON. It was a great day with a lot of bites. We were sitting really well. I have a couple of nice spots that always produce.
We caught them up day, probably around 25 fish. That is a solid day. The average was right around 3-4 pounds. I could not have asked for a better day. Well, I hope you enjoyed this and if you want to book a trip, go to for all your fishing needs. Have a wonderful day.
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Capt. Tony Masiello is a full-time South Florida bass fishing guide, specializing in Florida Peacock bass in Miami and large-mouth bass fishing in the Everglades. Live-bait or artificial, Tony can teach you both of them. Tony’s specialty is going way back into the Everglades flats and fishing top-water all day does that sound like fun or what!